In honor of International Doula Month, we are interviewing our doulas, so you can get to know more about them and their inspiration for becoming a doula.

Today we chat with Shanika

chicago doula

What is your title and with what organizations did you attend your trainings?

I am a birth and postpartum doula and birth keeper. I received my Advanced Doula certification from The Matrona in Holistic Childbirth.

What does supporting a family in birth/postpartum look like with your support?

I follow a family-centered model when providing support. I offer educational resources, physical, and emotional support to the whole family of those carrying life.. This includes siblings and other family who will be closely involved when baby comes. During pregnancy I offer tips, comfort measures. I may act as a sounding board for partners preparing for the changes they will surely face. I can even attend a doctors appointment to help advocate for the birth plan that a client desires. During labor, I provide comfort and relaxation using traditional techniques. Enabling the birthing person to stay grounded and centered on the total work of bringing forth life. Immediately after birth I like to do all the heavy mental and physical work. I help establish a quiet and safe space where everything is taken care. So, that the new family can bond and heal.  When a new person joins a family everyone’s relationships and needs change and I can ease that transition. Centering the family with support like light housework, cooking, and childcare can make a world of difference. Ultimately, as a doula, I can fill mostly any role that a family needs. I stay flexible as each family is as unique as each new baby!

What do families love most about you?

Families love how personally connected I am to the process of pregnancy and birth. I see the journey of birth and parenting as a holistic process that changes you forever. It is helpful when I can offer my own experiences along with research. This helps families get centered on just how transformative, magical, and challenging having a baby can be. I provide education on foods, herbs, and external medicines that can benefit many body processes for the whole family. A favorite offering I have is making skin treatments from common food-grade kitchen ingredients. Families appreciate this because we all want what is very best and safe for the ones we love most.

What do you love most about this profession?

I love attending births because I love witnessing the power of the body. It helps remind me just how powerful women and people are. That we create human beings from scratch. Then use the strength that we harness during birth to parent and love our little ones. When I leave a birth I am on a natural high. I get the privilege of witnessing a miracle and playing an important role in serving the families at the same time. Plus, I love seeing the face of someone who looks at or holds their baby for the first time; this brings me pure joy!

What events and careers In The past have led you to where you are today?

Prior to being a doula I served as an educator and workshop coordinator. I have always enjoyed working with youth. Their resilience and vigor always inspired me. At a certain point in my life I changed my lifestyle to embody principles of holistic wellness. This journey brought me to approach my first pregnancy as a sacred and holistic experience. Which then extended to my parenting. It was after the birth of my first child that I decided I wanted to become a doula. I wanted to be a part of a team that supported others in making transformative changes for themselves and their families and beyond. My dream is that we all will find a doula or support person when our times comes to bring forth new life.