chicago doula


Need I say more? When you work with an agency there is a strong back up system. If your postpartum doula has a birth to attend, there is another doula who can step in and support your family that day.  If your labor doula comes down with the flu, there is another doula that can step in and support your family. We know families have built relationships and really want the doula they chose there at that perfect moment. But let’s be real, life happens and sometimes due to the nature of birth we cannot always plan perfectly. It is so reassuring emotionally and financially to know that no matter what, there will be a high quality doula by your side.

Ok, ok, if you need some more reasons here are 3 really good ones:

  1. Everyone has a specific skill set they are good at. An agency has an admin team that can focus on the outreach, marketing, billing, intake, scheduling. Taking that off a doula’s plate allows them to focus on what they are good at. Also the less time a doula spends on the business end, the more time they can spend on advanced trainings and keeping up with current trends in the birth and postpartum world.
  2. Doulas in an agency have opportunities to shadow and be mentored.  They have a built in network.  If you ask them something they do not know, they surely have the answer within their agency. Most agencies also provide many opportunities for advanced professional development.
  3. Have you ever searched for hours on end just to see which new dishwasher you were going to buy?  Reading the pros and cons, scouring through all the reviews.  Now imagine doing that for the person that was going to be at the birth of your child, maybe one of your most vulnerable moments in life. Or, in your home for hours on end once your new baby has come home. Actually, imagine having to do all that research after baby has come home. Once you realized you are sleep deprived and struggling with all the new demands of parenting. That sounds like a lot of stress. Agencies have streamlined this process for you.  They have done all the legwork; background checks, interviews, scouring reviews.  They make sure they have high quality employees and are great matchmakers!