Pace Feeding

or how to

Imitate Breastfeeding


Pace breastfeeding is the answer to mothers who want to transition into bottle feeding or want to go back and forth between breast and bottle.


It’s a gentle way to mimic baby’s breastfeeding while avoiding overfeeding, which is tricky to control with regular bottle feedings.

Allowing the baby to control the intake of milk can reduce the post feeding fussiness that sometimes is present in overfed babies. Furthermore, this gentle way to feed your baby resembling the way she feeds at your breast and might reduce the rejection that some babies feel as a result of getting used to the fast flow of bottles.

How to make it work?

  • No set schedule but respecting baby’s hunger cues.
  • Holding and sitting the baby upright. When she is reclined, she has a harder time controlling the flow of milk.
  • You’ll need to hold the bottle horizontally with only enough inclination to let milk in the nipple.
  • And now, allow enough time for the feeding as long as breastfeeding would Let her set the pace of feeding. Burp her frequently. Take breaks with the bottle nipple close to baby’s mouth as to wait until she is ready to resume feeding.
  • You can switch sides, just as you do during breastfeeding. Baby will have more eye stimulation.

Don’t try to force your baby into taking more milk than she wants. If you don’t want to waste breast milk, try to heat up only small amounts at a time and give more if she needs.

Your baby will be able to regulate her intake and enjoy that special bond that is created while feeding.

Enjoy your baby. Let her enjoy feeding time with this gentle approach.

Written by Adriana  birth/postpartum doula, Lactation Counselor, and Certified Educator of Infant Massage.


Check out more tips at Mom Loves Best

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