Birth Doulas are NOT just for unmedicated births

Birth doulas support ALL births including births with epidurals and Cesarean births. Doulas support families as they navigate pregnancy, birth and postpartum and provide unwavering non-judgmental support. There has been a long time misconception that doulas support unmedicated births only and they prefer or push their clients to have an unmedicated birth. This is NOT TRUE. Doulas support all births and our goal is to walk alongside families and help them navigate the many choices they have in pregnancy, birth and postpartum. We want families to have an understanding of the choices available and feel supported in their decisions.

Birth Doulas Are

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  • On call to answer your questions and help you make choices that feel right for you and your family
  • Provide you with community connections and resources for pregnancy, birth and postpartum.
  • Support you as you navigate the hospital or the setting that you are giving birth in
  • Supports your partner so they can support you
  • Provide hands on physical support in labor to keep you calm and comfortable
  • Keep the room calm and positive
  • Believe in you and your partner
  • Keep your partner very involved
  • Understand that birth is an important life event and that you will need support to feel cared for
  • Answer questions in pregnancy, birth and postpartum
  • They will provide at least one prenatal visit to go over your birth preferences and comfort measure
  • Understanding of birth and know things do not always go as “planned”
  • Will be a caring and supportive force throughout the relationship

They Are Not

newborn care chicago
  • Medical providers and we do not make medical decisions on your behalf
  • Going to judge you or make you feel negative if you “change your mind”
  • Going to take over and leave your partner out
  • Going to create a negative situation for you and your partner

Birth doulas provide support for all situations and in all settings. We are there to support you in all of your choices.

Interested in becoming a birth doula? Click here to learn more about Birth & Baby University’s Labor Doula Training here.

Call us at 312-765-3012 or email us at to learn more about our labor support packages.