essential oil pictureEasy to Make Gift ideas for creating an all-natural postpartum gift bag for any pregnant mom’s on your holiday shopping list

Why- Many women will experience post labor contractions. The uterus has grown and expanded for the past nine months, and so for the next 4-6 weeks postpartum, it will be contracting back down to its normal size. Many times it’s more intense during breastfeeding as well, so moms can keep this roller on hand for relief!

Pain Relief Roller Bottle

You will need:
Lavender Essential Oil (Analgesic, Antiseptic, Anti-inflammatory, Antibacterial)
White Fir Essential Oil (Used for tense muscles, fever, chills, coughs, and help with the bodies natural defense system)
– Any Organic oil base, almond, olive fractioned coconut etc.
–Amber Glass Roller Bottle

What to Do:

Fill the roller bottle about ¾ of the way with fractionated coconut oil. Put 5 drops each of essential oils. Cover and roll between hands to blend. Store in a cool dark place. Just apply directly to the lower belly area for post-contractions and pain.

Why-Most women will need some extra love and attention to their bottom area. There will be a general soreness and there may be the need to heal skin from any possible tearing, abrasions, or swelling from delivery. Help keep Mama comfortable and healing naturally with this soothing spray.

Postpartum Soothing Spray

You will need:
Witch Hazel (antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, oil-balancing, moisturizing, and a natural astringent)
Aloe Vera (helps to hydrate, heal, and repair skin)
Frankincense Essential Oil (helps to heal any tears, broken skin and irritation; it also prevents scarring)
Clary Sage Essential Oil (is an effective anti-fungal, helps to re-tone the area and also relieves pain and cramping)
Lavender Essential Oil (calms swelling or inflammation of the skin, supports regeneration)
Geranium Essential Oil (helps heal broken capillaries, conditions skin)
–Small Amber Glass Spray Bottle

What to Do:

Fill the spray bottle half way with witch hazel, then add 2-3 drops of each essential oil. Add in about 4 tablespoons of aloe vera and top off with witch hazel until full. Roll bottle gently between two hands to combine the ingredients together in the spray bottle. You can store in the refrigerator to help to increase the “cooling relief” of the aloe and makes it even more refreshing.

Looking to learn more information on the benefits of Essential Oils for Pregnancy and Labor join us Thursday December 15th for a FREE workshop.