This is labor! Right?
So you think this is it? It’s really happing! Baby will be here soon. Or maybe not? How can you be sure that it is really happening? I mean your body has been so different these past 9 months and its hard to tell what is what these days. You have had your share of warm-up labor commonly called Braxton Hicks but this feels different. Usually the warm-up labor last a few minutes and at most 20 minutes, but then goes away. It can’t last hours can it? Actually it can. Warm up labor can last a few minutes, but sometimes can last a few hours. As a doula, I am often called at least once, if not a few times by my client for these warm up contractions. A few years ago I decided to make my clients a cheat sheet so they can easily tell the difference. The false alarm phone calls have almost completely stopped. Here is my cheat sheet.
Real labor vs. Labor Warm up
Real Labor
Birth Show
Membranes Release
Tightening or pulling sensation
Constipated or diarrhea
Momma Instincts
Pattern of contractions
What do you do?
Drink Water
Anything you can do to be calm and distracted till it picks up
Warm up Labor
Erratic contractions with no real pattern
No other signs of Labor
Disappear with change of activity
Can be caused by dehydration or too much activity
What do you do?
Take a shower
Drink Water
If they stop with these activities it is labor warm up.