How I Survived Pregnancy Using an Amber Teething Necklace

amber teething necklace


I was 15 weeks pregnant with my second child when I knew I needed to find something for my Round Ligament Pain, increasingly worse headaches, and the fact that I felt my back would surely snap in half. I wasn’t even halfway through my pregnancy and I already felt like I did when I was nine months along with my first. How was I going to feel when I WAS nine months along this time?


I had a doctors appointment coming up and I planned on asking my OB what some alternatives to Tylenol, chiropractic care, and stretching would be. I knew that being pregnant my options would be limited, but I was hoping they had something I hadn’t thought of yet. I was desperate and I still had a long way to go.


At my doctor’s appointment I spoke with the practice’s midwife about my increasing discomforts. She checked my blood pressure to make sure it wasn’t high, to rule out that being the cause of headaches. She check on babe and everything with both of our vitals were fine. She told me this was something that was common with second and third time mothers, and it seems like the more babies you have, the more increasingly uncomfortable you get sooner.


She suggested a belly band to help distribute the weight of my growing belly, but she also suggested a Baltic amber necklace in place of OTC pain medication. She explained to me that amber has a substance known as succinic acid, which is a natural anti-inflammatory. It would be something that would not only mask the pain, but actually help cure it by decreasing the inflammation in my joints and ligaments.


I went home and did some research while looking for the best necklace to buy. What I found at convinced me that what my doctor was saying was true, and something that could very well provide a natural pain relief to my growing pain.


baltic wonder


Baltic amber has been used for hundreds of years by countries surrounding the Baltic Sea. Amber is made from the sap of conifer trees located in the dark forests in the region. For as long as it’s been used, it’s been notorious for being nature’s cure all.


It can be used for headaches, teething, joint and muscle inflammation, and also as an immune and mood booster thanks to its antioxidant rich oils. Amber works best when worn due to your body’s heat melting the oils and allowing them to seep through the beads surface and into the bloodstream.


I loved that these stones have been used for so long by women and men everywhere and of all ages. I’m the type of person that says “If it’s not broke, why fix it?” and definitely felt this was one of those situations. I ordered a necklace and couldn’t wait for it to arrive.


When it arrived I put it on immediately and waited for it’s healing effects to take place. Within the first 48 hours, I had already noticed that my headaches were starting to decrease in intensity. I was in awe of how quickly this bead was working when everything I had previously tried hadn’t worked at all.


Within the first week, I had almost complete relief in my back and hips. At my next appointment, I raved about how wonderful the necklace had been and how much it had changed my life. I even told her that I planned on purchasing one for my next babe when it came to their teething phase.


If you’re wondering what a natural approach to pain relief can do for you, your pregnancy or your family, purchase a necklace today!


Guest blog post written by: Jenn Sanders