chicago family

Today on the blog we are sitting down to chat with Jenny from

Mama Fresh Chicago


Well first off what is Mama fresh?

Mama Fresh started out as a social media outlet where you can find out what events are going on around town that are either kid focused or kid friendly. But it has evolved to so much more in a short amount of time.

Why did you start Mama Fresh?

After I had my son I started going to the transition to motherhood class at the hospital. Getting out of the house with my son to this class was so empowering for me that I knew I had to take him out more and explore all the city had to offer.

Mama Fresh Chicago then was born out of a need for community and resources at your fingertips. As a new mom, I spent hours combing various social media pages, websites and new-mom group texts to find activities for me and my son ObieQ. Before kids we were “women about town”. Brunching on rooftops, attending a speaking engagement of our favorite author, dancing in the front row at a concert. We don’t want our lives to change, just evolve! We need a Fresh approach to this Mom Life.

What is your vision for Mama Fresh?

I did find when I started to go out to all these kid friendly events that I was usually the only black mama there.

The goal for me became to create and IGNITE a diverse community where Mama’s are celebrated. I intentionally set out to find activities that are culturally relevant. My goal is to empower women of all cultures to come out and build community and be able to feel celebrated in each place they come out to with their children.

How has Mama Fresh grown since you started posting about events going on around town?

We are in the process of building our website which will have a blog as well as a vlog. Our goal is to meet Mama’s where they are at, and not all of us have the time to sit down and read an article.

A few months ago we also started hosting our own events. They have been a huge success!

Right now we have 3 Mama Fresh Presents events:

Every Tuesday at 10:30 we are doing a

Stroller Stride on the University of Chicago Camp

chicago postpartum fitness

Pajama Story Time at  57th Street Books

chicago family fun

Mommy and Me Rooftop Yoga at Ping Tom Park

chicago mommy and me yoga

(Imagine taking a break from your mommy and me yoga to breastfeed with a view of the skyline!)

chicago family fun

We really value Mama’s time so every event you always leave with something, whether it’s yoga poses to do at home, recipes, or stories to read. We want to make the most of your time with us.

Every Friday we put out a video with 3 kid friendly events happening over the weekend.

What are some things we can look out for?

I am SUPER EXCITED to announce this partnership!! Boxville is Chicago’s 1st shipping container mall. This past Wednesday they featured Mama Fresh with a focus on families, babies, & tots! Local vendors including Green City Market were there. I was on hand to demonstrate how to make your own baby food with local produce!

chicago farmer's market

Mama fresh will also be adding more events such as a daytime baby dance party and The Mama Fresh Conference.

One day we will take this to different cities and where there will be a Mama Fresh San Diego or Mama Fresh Denver

Also, right now Mama Fresh is working on merchandising. The first few months you are at home with your baby can be so isolating. I wanted to be intentional about making merchandise in order for other mom’s to use that as an identifier. So that when you see another mama out and about with her Mama Fresh shirt or mug and you will know that this is someone you can approach and is interested in building community.

Thank you so much Jenny, can’t wait to make it out to Mommy and Me Yoga!

Follow MamaFreshChicago  to find out more details




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