Meet Alex

Alex is a very well-loved labor doula on our team. Her passion for doula work began after a friend’s wonderful experience with a doula during a rough labor. After that she dove in head first with learning, reading, and researching everything she could about pregnancy, birth, and babies. She is also a multiples expert, and has completed an advanced multiples training.
Alex has always been passionate about families, babies, and children. Caring for families has truly been her life’s work. She started her career in early education, completing college with a B.A. in Education. After college, Alex worked as a nanny for 4 years, caring for children of all ages. As a Postpartum Doula, she has supported many families including families who have multiples for both daytime and overnight support. She has a gift for making babies and families comfortable and LOVE her!
Alex completed her labor support training through DONA. As a labor doula, she has worked with women in hospital settings and at their homes through their labors. She has experience with all types of births and in all settings. Alex completed her postpartum doula training with ProDoula and has multiple years of experience with babies and children. She is a baby whisperer and children of all ages love her. She has a unique ability to jump right in and support wherever is needed.
Alex is also a Hypnobirth Instructor and has completed courses with The Bradley Method and Informed Beginnings. She is also trained in Spinning Babies technique.
In her spare time, Alex enjoys spending time with her new son Luka and her 3 dogs, cooking, knitting, and off-roading in her Jeep. She also has a passion for social justice and change and being an ally for LGBTQ+ rights.
“My husband and I loved working with Alex! She was great at communicating with us before, during, and after our daughter’s birth. She was knowledgeable and informative when it came to helping us make decisions and made sure that we felt supported and heard by our medical team. When our labor stalled, Alex was great at coming up with different strategies and movements to help labor progress. She coached me on the correct way to push and helped me get through over three hours of pushing. Just when I felt like I couldn’t push anymore, Alex was there with supportive words to help get me through the last few pushes! She also got some amazing pictures and videos of our daughter being born and of both my husband and I immediately after she was born! After we were discharged from the hospital, she continued to check in with us to make sure we were doing ok both mentally and physically after bringing our daughter home. She was always available via phone call, facetime, texts, or home visits! We would definitely recommend her and would work with her again!”
“It was wonderful having Alex as a doula. From the beginning she offered a relaxed and calming presence. My birth experience didn’t go exactly as planned and throughout the whole process Alex was supportive and reassuring. She was able to answer questions for us while my providers were focused on delivering the baby quickly. Both me and my husband felt supported throughout the labor process and Alex was there to answer questions and follow up after. Thank you for making the pregnancy, labor, and post labor a good and supported experience.”
2/2021 via Google
“Plainly stated: We could NOT HAVE SURVIVED HAVING TWINS without the postpartum care and support we received from Chicago Family Doulas. Letting us sleep through the night (especially as I was recovering from a CSEC) was the most valuable gift we could have gotten. We loved the 2 doulas (Alex & Leah) we were assigned, and still talk to them frequently!! And truly, the ability to get a good night’s sleep, and knowing our babies were in the best hands, gave us the ability to then ENJOY the days with them, rather than resenting or being overly tired. This is a MUST INVEST category for us. If we have more kids I cannot imagine not working with Anna and the team again.”
“Alex rode up in her Jeep with the sign DOULA in big letters across the license plate! It was very apparent from that moment this lady meant business. The baby birthing business! And when you are going to have your first child you want all the help you can get on your side. Alex was a very knowledgeable, someone like us about to be new parents really needed. She was there when we called, and kept us all calm in the process. She was very supportive every step of the way and she quickly became an integral part of our birthing team. From the very start Alex was always there whenever we called. When we needed her to come over prior to delivery, during delivery at the hospital and after delivery for post visit. Alex was able to comfort my wife, and make us feel confident that we could do it. Even more so that we were empowered and that our decisions, choices and plans matter. Oh and guess what, when those birth plans went out the window on the day of delivery Alex was there and prepared for that too! As we welcomed a new member of our family that day we are very grateful we had Alex as a shepherd to guide us through the most important day of our lives. When you are at war you want the best warriors with you, and that is what labor is, a battle, for life itself! We were very greateful to have had Alex there at our side during this fight! And life won! Beautiful Aria is here! Thank you Alex for being there!”
“Alex is exactly the kind of postpartum doula I was looking for. I met her at a meet-and-greet event and was impressed by her calm, confident demeanor and friendliness. She has years and years of experience and knows which swaddles are the best (and also not most expensive), has a great recipe for quiche that got us through a rough week, and can hold two crying twins at once to calm them down! She anticipates needs before you say something and catches on very quickly to how you like things done around your house and where everything is. I would highly recommend her to a friend.”
4/2020 via Facebook
“For my recent birth (3/12) I had Alex as my doula. I did a homebirth and knew from the beginning that she would be essential to my team. I was in prodromal labor for 5 days leading up to the birth and I was exhausted. Alex was empathetic but also that extra push I needed to get through the tough contractions. She was always available via phone leading up to the birth and once I wanted her there she was on her way. She was with us for at least 27 hours. She helped us fill our birth tub, made sure I was staying hydrated and comfortable. One of the most important things Alex provided for us was relief and care for my husband as well. It let me be more into my birth knowing I had constant care (her and my husband switched off on physical support) and that my husband was also being cared for. Alex took amazing pictures of my birth that I will always be grateful for. After my baby was born she made me a quick meal and helped me nurse for the first time. Alex also encapsulated my placenta for me and did a follow up home visit. I will never be able to put thank you enough into words. I will always have Alex a part all of my future birth teams.”
4/2020 via Facebook
“Had a great experience with my doula, Alex. She has been very friendly from the start and was a perfect match. Unfortunately due to Covid-19, she was unable to be there for the delivery of my child but was there via phone for me. However, she still threw in a couple of postpartum visits and I am so happy that she did because I have learned so much! She gave me so many tips just by watching me do my day-to-day tasks that it has helped me become more efficient with my time which is so limited now. I highly recommend her and Chicago Family Doulas for anyone who is looking for support before pregnancy and after. Hopefully soon, that will include during delivery as well!”
11/2019 via Google
“After speaking with Annamarie Rodney over the phone I was confident that she was someone I could trust to pick the best postpartum doulas to help make the postpartum transition easier for my family and I. Katharine, Ashley, Andrea, Shelley and Alex did an exceptional job taking care of my 3 kids 5 and under, newborn and I that I couldn’t of asked for a better experience. My husband and I are very grateful for all the support they have given our family. They went above and beyond our expectations and I highly recommend them to anyone looking for postpartum care. They love what they do and are dedicated to providing the best care for families. Thank you Chicago Family Doulas”
10/2019 via Yelp
“I had my dream birth thanks to Anna, Celena, and Alex at Chicago Family Doulas! I was going through a few different agencies to find the best match for our family and as soon as I got off the phone with Anna I knew Chicago Family Doulas was for us. Anna listened to all of my needs and understood exactly what I was looking for…We went to Alex for a few weeks for hypnobirthing and learned how to manage the intensity of labor. Chicago Family Doulas is made up of incredible women who make you feel empowered to giving you birth. We are so so so grateful for the experience we had – and can’t wait to do it again 😀”
8/2019 via Google
“Alex was an amazing doula for the birth of our daughter. I was on the fence about hiring a doula and my husband advocated for one to help us both, especially through early labor at home, since this was our first our child. When we met Alex, she helped put our minds at ease and made us feel more confident that we could bring a child into this world. We contacted Chicago Family Doulas a little late in the game at 36 weeks. We were scheduled to have our “birth plan” meeting with Alex on August 17, but our daughter made her entrance into this world on August 15 at 37 weeks and 1 day. We called Alex as soon as we were sure the baby was coming and she arrived at our house quickly after. I really wanted to deliver without any pain management but was afraid I wouldn’t be able to handle the pain. Before Alex arrived, with each contraction I was screaming and putting all my weight onto my husband (I am not a small person). As soon as she saw, she helped me breathe through the contractions and use our couch to put my weight into with each contraction. My birth progressed pretty quickly – we arrived at the hospital at 11:45 a.m on Thursday and we delivered our daughter 1:34 p.m on Thursday. Alex was reassuring and encouraging as I thought and shouted that I couldn’t do this and helped me find different positions and locations to better deal with contractions. Because of Alex, her techniques and willingness to kneel on the floor as I pushed all my body weight into her as I pushed our daughter out, I was able to have the unmedicated birthing experience I always wanted but didn’t think I was capable of accomplishing. I tell everyone that my husband and I could not have had the birthing experience we wanted without Alex. When she came for our postpartum visit, she helped me latch our daughter better with nursing, showed us how to use various baby carriers and supported us through our first few days as parents. She put me in touch with La Leche League to continue my support throughout my breastfeeding journey and frequently checks in to see how we are doing. My husband and I feel we made a great friend throughout this process and cannot imagine having more kids without Alex being there for their arrival.”
5/2019 via Google
“I was fortunate enough to work with CFD during my recent labor and postpartum. Anna, Alex and Shelley treated my family like their own. Starting with the very first phone call when I didn’t even really understand what a doula could bring to the table for my personal situation, Anna talked to me for over an hour and matched me with two amazing doulas. Alex was my labor and delivery doula, and without her I don’t know that my husband or I could have made it through the 20+ hour labor feeling as supported, able to breathe through every awful contraction, and giving us the time and space to make in-the-moment decisions. Shelley and Alex helped us postpartum. They gave incredible insight regarding breastfeeding, pumping, creating an overnight childcare schedule for my husband and I, and they even helped us with laundry, cleaning, and playing with our dogs. Those extra moments of support and sleep were worth every dollar, especially during the first challenging and unknown moments of infant life. I would recommend them to anyone and hope to utilize their services for any future children I am lucky enough to have!”
12/2018 via Facebook
“Alex started working for our family when my twins were straight home from the NICU. They were four pounds each (so tiny!) and I needed someone who was straight-forward and reliable but allllso, loving and warm so that I could take necessary breaks, without worrying. She is all of those things and more. Alex steps in seamlessly to do the things that need to be done (she makes a mean omelet) without being asked and in a way that is natural. I often hug her as she’s leaving when I realize my kitchen counter is actually so clean that it’s glistening. I start my day with a clean house, coffee and a good night of sleep. What more could a girl want? She has become a valuable part of our family and one of our best friends…and the love she gives to my children (now all 3) is priceless.”
12/2018 via Facebook
“Working with Chicago Family Doulas was an unbelievable blessing after having my daughter. Working with Alex, she took care of my daughter in the most loving, calm, and patient manner. She spent time asking how I was doing, not just the baby, and helped me with my postpartum recovery. Alex offered encouragement when I didn’t feel I knew what I was doing and she gave me suggestions when I asked for her advice. Safety was always her number one when watching my daughter and I’m forever grateful to her for everything she helped my family with (including being so sweet to my dog too)!”
5/2018 via Yelp
“Our postpartum team was WONDERFUL! They were so great with the baby, and my toddler who still asks about his buddies Alex and Ashley. The owner even set us up with a doula to meet us at the house when bringing our baby home as a last minute request. We 100% recommend them to any family who may need that extra special trained support whether you are having multiples, a VBAC, have older kids at home and need to divide your attention, don’t live near extended family, etc. These women are REALLY skilled and can handle it all!”
“Alex was great. Without her support during labor, I am not sure that I would’ve been able to achieve the natural birth I was hoping for. Alex provided the structure and direction I needed to help manage my pain and also ensure that labor was progressing as it should. My husband and I are grateful to her for being a source of support during such an important time in our lives!”
“Alex is an extraordinary doula. From the moment we met with her, we knew she was the one. I was a little nervous about my birth but she assuaged any fears by providing so much information, suggesting books to read, and also always being available for questions. Her responses are always immediate and it was extremely helpful to have someone to help you with absolutely anything leading up to the birth. During her prenatal and post-partum visits with me she was always extremely generous with her time and it is clear that she enjoys educating others about the birthing process as well as providing support to families. The birth is where Alex also truly shines; she is the reason that I got the natural birth that I wanted. From advising on when to go into the hospital to suggesting different positions for laboring, Alex was there with me helping me make every decision that was critical to me having my daughter naturally. When we got to our hospital room, she jumped into action, and was a great liaison between us and our medical staff and also helped me manage an awkward family situation. She literally did anything to help make me comfortable and get me through the labor. I almost gave up so many times and she gently pushed me and came up with creative solutions and positions. She also had no judgment had I gone with the epidural. Bottom line, you want her as your doula. She will be up with you holding your hand and breathing with you in the middle of the night when everyone else has passed out from sheer exhaustion. She is there to call the nurses for you when you are too tired to press the button. She is there to help you go to the bathroom and to keep you company while you walk the hallways and to tell you a quick joke and make you smile in the middle of the night when you don’t think you can handle another contraction. She is there to be a buffer and run interference between you and your family so you can concentrate on bringing in a new life into the world. And she is your biggest cheerleader, believing in you, guiding you and giving you hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel and you will see your baby soon. Alex is truly gifted in what she does and we are blessed and so thankful to have had her with us.”