Meet Malika

live in baby care chicago

Malika is a very experienced and well loved Newborn Care Specialist as well as a certified Birth and Baby University postpartum doula with over a decade of experience. She has cared for many singletons, twins and triplets over the past decade. She has supported families as they navigate all kinds of experiences with assisting with their new baby including baby care, navigating baby cues, breastfeeding, transitioning from breast to bottle, colic, fussy babies, reflux and sleep conditioning. She loves helping to make the home a positive and supportive environment as she knows how intense this time can be. Malika specializes in both daytime and overnights and has even provided many families with live-in newborn care.

Families love how kind, knowledgeable and proactive Malika is with all things. She jumps right in and helps exactly as they need.

When not supporting families, she enjoys spending time with her 2 and 1/2 year old and taking him to amusement parks and sporting activities. She also enjoys volunteering at HPNClub in Hyde Park.