At about 7 months pregnant, I remember telling my Godmother “I just can’t wait to meet him already!” her response was short and profound. She said “Mija, you a have lifetime to get to know your baby. There’s something very special about loving your child before you meet. Enjoy it.”  

Those simple words allowed me to see how much I was mentally rushing through my pregnancy. It brought awareness to how my mind was constantly wondering what if, and what will and how will, etc…

Now, looking back 3 years ago, my pregnancy is a distant memory. While I did journal through most of it, I do also wish I had more present moments while I was expecting.

I’m sure you hear it frequently:

“get as much sleep as you can”, “enjoy your date nights” “take many long showers ” – while all of that is true, if you’re a new mom, chances are you don’t have a point of reference, so none of this advice will make any sense until your newborn arrives and you’re living on their demands.

If this is your first rodeo (and even if it isn’t) I want to invite you to love where you’re at right now. Mentally- enjoy every month, week, day, hour and minute of your bringing-life-into-this-world journey.

Practicing mindfulness now will help you grow that muscle far beyond the arrival of your baby. One way to do this is by redirecting your attention during what appears to be mindless routines: brushing your teeth, showering, drinking tea, whatever that is for you. Allow yourself to be less without your technology and more with the here and now.

Take a few deep breaths. Listen to the sound of the air that passes through your lungs. This is the very same air that brings life to your little miracle. Surround yourself with pleasant sounds and (safe, toxin-free) aromas. Become aware of how effortlessly our bodies create life. Enjoy every kick, every hiccup and send your baby tons of love, often.

When you’re in the shower, don’t bring your to-do list in there with you. Pay attention to each one of your body parts as you cleanse them. Center yourself in gratitude and send your body love for nourishing a full-term, healthy baby.  

Give this a try for 5 minutes a day, gradually making your way up to 20. Your body, mind and baby will thank you.

In health and love,

Daisy De La Cruz
Certified Integrative Health Coach at Sana Mente