Morning sickness rears its ugly head in so many different ways. Some people have nausea for an hour; some people have it at night, some people all day. It can last two weeks to 3 months to all of pregnancy. Just like birth it’s never the same for anyone. Since there are so many ways that it can come about, pregnant people all around the world have come up with many creative ways to battle this feeling just to be able to get along with their normal lives. Some of these you may have heard, some will make you giggle or turn away in disgust but when you are feeling like this some people will try anything! Good luck….


Basically all things ginger, lemon, peppermint or peach (hmm …that’s new). People swear by these items whether you are chewing on mint leaves throughout the day or sucking on a raw lemon. Most preggos will use these foods to make a tea or the essential oils to breathe in.chicago morning sickness


PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN, … did I say protein?


Eat small meals through out the day (some go as far as even keeping a banana or nuts by the bedside to have a bit every time you wake up throughout the night



Start your day off with food,even before you lift your head from pillow, maybe a saltine or peppermint candy (then get up and have breakfast filled with you guessed it… PROTEIN!)


Take a daily dose of Vitamin B6. Recent research carried out in the US and Thailand showed that women who took 25 milligrams of B6 every eight hours had significantly less vomiting and nausea than women who took a placebo (a pretend pill).    Again, check with your healthcare provider before taking any tablets to ensure that this course of action is suitable for you


FRESH (like from the actual coconut fresh) Coconut water with lemon take sip every 15 minutes


Fresh lime juice with a little salt and sugar


Drop of rose water in milk, boil milk and drink warm ( ooh la la fancy 🙂


Soak 10 raw almonds overnight peel and eat in the morning (protein and calcium!)


Peacock Feather Ash: Burn a peacock feather, or should I say have someone else burn it, tack a pinch of the ash with honey (?!?!?!?!?!)chicago morning sickness


Walk it off, cool brisk walk in the morning


Saltines, salt and vinegar chip, French fries


C Bands for motion sickness


Acupressure P6 (3 finger breadths below wrist crease)


Getting Acupuncture (Call us we have some great referrals for an acupuncturist)


Lower the brightness on your computer screen


The digestive tract is already slower thanks to the excess in progesterone so too much meat hanging around the stomach can spell bad morning sickness for many pregnant women. So they cut out red meat


Dancing while doing the dishes (make sure you are doing those hip circles to prepare for labor!)


Drinking pickle juice before eating or riding in a carchicago morning sickness


Eating frozen green grapes




Get ready this one is very scientific… there is something about the chemicals released when you grate an apple. I can’t exactly remember what happens but if you grate an apple and leave it a little while (not too long or it will go brown obviously) and just eat that it can help and it does actually help me! (- Anonymous mom)


Try the yoga move the ‘tongue pull’

Grasp your tongue using a dry, clean cloth and pull it straight out, until it feels quite strained and uncomfortable, then hold it for 30 seconds. Feels weird, looks even weirder, but hey it’s worth a try.


Modified Reclining Hero pose in yoga


*All of these remedies are for low levels of nausea and occasional vomiting, please see your health care providers for more serious cases, such as vomiting multiple times daily, extending past your first trimester, etc.


Put together by our resident health nut, Christine