The hopes and dreams of welcoming a new baby can bring excitement of all things cute and tiny….

Before you let your imagination run wild with nursery decor and baby name ideas.  There is a significant amount of planning and preparation that needs to be executed.

The practices of taking prenatal vitamins, adequate folic acid intake, abstaining from alcohol and tobacco are well known. Though important, these are only a few of the things to consider to make sure you and your body are perfectly poised for pregnancy.

Other important areas of wellbeing that need to be considered before trying to conceive (TTC) are nutrition, fitness, mindset, stress management, emotional and spiritual health. Each component of wellbeing can impact fertility in small and large ways. Managing all of these areas can be overwhelming but being your own best advocate will ensure you’re receiving the best support. Although it can be difficult to know where to turn, seeking out the right team will set you up for success.

As a fertility coach, this is the first question I help my clients tackle…

Where to begin, when trying to conceive?

“Client A” wants nothing more than to have a baby but, she is having a hard time getting pregnant. Her doctor was unable to find anything medically wrong and tells her to “just keep trying”. Client A decides to come to me with the goal of understanding, overcoming and eliminating any issues within her control, that may be hindering her success.

During our initial consult to review her wellbeing assessment and discover her dreams, we will discuss areas for consideration and narrow down her focus.

She chooses to start with nutrition and mindset.

Client A has become so frustrated with her inability to conceive that she is constantly battling her inner gremlin. This is filling her mind and heart with negative, self-defeating, unrealistic thoughts. She is eager to move past this so that her heart and mind align with a positive message.

Although she tries to eat well, there is room for improvement. She is unsure of any nutritional requirements and implications as it relates to her fertility. Client A would like to be more confident and in control of her choices as to ensure they are conducive to conception. She also hopes that these changes will improve her BMI (body mass index), which is not in the normal range, to eliminate that risk factor.

Each week we lay out a plan for taking small, realistic, powerful steps toward her goals. We brainstorm options, discuss practical techniques and create an environment for Client A to feel empowered, excited and hopeful.


Here are some of the topics we discuss with regard to her nutrition:
Chicago fertility

  • She will need to eat a rainbow variety of fruits and vegetables to ensure an adequate and balanced intake of vital antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

 (These are necessary building blocks of a strong and healthy DNA and critical components of a healthy path to the production, development and function of the egg.)


  • This includes getting both plant and animal based protein sources to maximize the benefits of
  • Choosing whole grains which provide fiber, B vitamins, iron, zinc, magnesium,
    copper and help to balance glucose and insulin levels. This aids in proper growth,
    development and hormone balance.
  • How much dairy to include and why certain amounts of whole fat dairy products can
    boost fertility.
  • The good fats- getting an adequate intake of omega 3 and omega 6 fats and
    incorporating fish at least twice per week.
  • The different forms of folic acid, which form is best for her, the pros/cons, the side
    effects, where to find it and how much is needed.
  • Fertility friendly meal, snack and recipe ideas.

Week by week Client A is feeling increasingly competent, confident and in control. She is fueling her fertility with every decision she makes, creating an optimal environment for conception. Client A is hopeful that her dream of becoming a mother will come true. She is feeling more whole, healthy, energetic, and alive than she’s ever felt!


chicago fertility Guest Blog Written By Alisha M. Fox:

As a certified Health and Wellness Coach and Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Alisha M. Fox founded Modern Fox Fertility. Filling the void of support and resources needed to ensure a naturally successful path to parenthood.  

Alisha’s gentle and holistic approach works with you in a collaborative effort. Working togther to develop your personalized plan for fertility, prenatal and maternity needs. Encompassing every part of your well-being- heart, soul, and mind is crucial for true health. You will find the balance needed to align your physical, mental and spiritual needs. Using one-on-one support modern studies and proven techniques.

Contact Alisha for your free compatibility consult today. Find out how Modern Fox Fertility can help you achieve your dreams.

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