Seven Tips for

Staying Calm and Focused

(whether you’re pregnant or not)

For the last two and a half years I’ve partnered with our local hospital to bring mindfulness tips to new and expecting parents. Being 9 months pregnant myself during such an uncertain time, I wanted to pass along a few things that have kept our home calm and steady during our state-mandated lock down:

Tip no. 1:

Take inventory of internal and external stressors. An example of an external stressor could be the news, other’s opinions, job loss, etc. Internal stressors are typically things we say to ourselves (in our head), usually as a result of what’s going on around us. We have a level of control over both; the trick is to know what stressor is coming from where so you can get ahead of it. To get clarity, take some quiet time and make a list of each so you can assess what you can eliminate as a non-essential burden and what you actually have control over so you can plan accordingly. *Double bonus if you can talk it through with someone who won’t judge you.

Tip no. 2:

Practice effective communication: a lot of us are having to spend extra time with our kids, spouses- maybe even extended family. It’s important to communicate your needs and next steps as best as possible. If your financial situation is compromised, come up with ways you can be resourceful, budget and plan for the months ahead. If one of you is working from home, agree (don’t demand) in picking up the housework or coming up with a chore list. The last thing you need while in quarantine is stress and tension from within.

Tip no. 3:

Get over it: To piggy-back on my last tip – there’s no doubt that being cooped up will lead to disagreements – now’s not the time to let the ego win! Do what you can to get over it quickly. We’re huge fans of Focus on the Family as they’ve done wonders for our marriage – check out their podcast if you need a sense of direction.

Tip no. 4:

Make light of the situation; Find a way to lighten the mood: sing, dance, go outside, let the kids take the lead, get creative – who cares if things get messy. Skype or Zoom a friend and laugh it out. Find ways to go-with-the-flow and make the best of your situation. In the end, it will all work out – we WILL get through this!

Tip no. 5:

Take what you need then turn off the news. I do believe it’s responsible to stay informed and follow guidelines that will keep us healthy in the long run. Everything else outside of those guidelines is meant to further perpetuate fear.

Tip no. 6:

Avoid social media. At this time you don’t need additional opinions and conversations going on in your head. Especially if you have anxiety.

Tip no. 7:

As a man thinks, so is he. If you’re finding yourself riddled with fear, stuck or depressed – I invite you to become aware of what you are letting into your home and replace that with positive thinking. Count every single one of your blessings! I have a great 3 page PDF with scripture to help give you a boost if you’re looking for one – MSG me and I’ll get it right over to you! Feel free to share with your loved ones

See you on the other side! Daisy DLC Alonzo | Integrative Health Coach

Sana • Mente Health