Your first pregnancy will come with many joys as well as need to knows. First, before diving into prenatal health PreNata Smoothies wants to welcome you to motherhood. The next 42 weeks will be, shall I say, very different for you! Your body will undergo many weird changes and you will probably think of your new fetus as a small alien growing within. Great news is that we ARE women and we’re literally designed for this astronomical transition. I, Kris Lewis, owner and creator of PreNata Smoothies, partnering with The Chicago Family Doulas will be here with you every step of the way.

Let’s talk Folate

Okay ladies let’s get our awareness up! It’s so important for us to all become aware the importance of folate and how it plays a major role in our babies’ development.

Anencephaly is a defect in the formation of a baby’s neural tube during development. Neural tube defect (NTD) results in birth defects of the spine and the brain. These particular brain regions are essential for thinking, hearing, vision, emotion, and coordinating movement of your newborn baby. NTD malfunctions usually happen on the 23rd day following conception (Marina Lacasan and others 2012).

Researchers suspect that NTD occurs when genes that deliver commands responsible for processing the B-vitamin folate (B9) change (Marina Lacasan and others 2012). Folate aids in the regulation of DNA synthesis (Bibbens-Domingo 2017) therefore a persons experiencing decreased folate levels will have an increased the risk of the malfunction of the neural tube development.

Women who take B9 vitamin supplements before and during pregnancy have been known to significantly reduce the susceptibility of neural tube defects. It is very important that women who are pregnant achieve adequate levels of folic acid, even for women who are not trying to get pregnant. This can be done by consuming a healthy diet that includes a combination of foods fortified with folic acid and folic acid supplements. Pregnant women should therefore consume 400 μg of folic acid daily.

Folic acid, or folate, is an important nutrient available in many popular fruits and vegetables. For a healthy pregnancy, try adding these high folate foods to your diet:

Folate Source Amount of Folate per cup

Lentils 358 mcg Pinto Beans 294 mcg Garbanzo Beans 282 mcg

Asparagus 268 mcg Spinach 263 mcg Collard Greens 177 mcg

Broccoli 168.4 mcg Beets 136 mcg Orange Juice 74.4 mcg

Papaya 53 mcg

Sustaining optimum nutrition during pregnancy is extremely vital. The developing baby requires a constant supply of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to develop properly. Mothers also require additional nutritional provisions that help in preparation of labor, delivery, nursing and motherhood. Achieving the required nutritional requirements within a normal diet can be a challenge, this is the primary reason doctors prescribe prenatal vitamins during pregnancy. The doses of these nutrients prescribed for pregnancy have been adjusted to meet the needs of pregnant and nursing mothers.

Healthy Mommy | Healthier Baby

Here at PreNata Smoothies we encourage you to select a prenatal supplement of your choice that meets your desired taste and lifestyle. PreNata Smoothies is a complete prenatal multivitamin fruit smoothie that includes the minimum B9 supplement requirements that can be easily consumed by the expecting mother. PreNata Smoothies includes the following benefits:

◊ Organic Whole Food Nutrients & Fresh Fruit

◊ 800 mcg Folate from Organic Lemon Peel

◊ NutraFlora® Probiotics

◊ Gentle / Non-Constipating Iron

◊ 100% Vegetarian


Our product provides the same essential nutrients found in prenatal pills, that is easy on the stomach, rich in calcium, and antioxidants. 

Consumers are becoming infatuated with the healthy life trend. Fruit smoothie consumption is gaining popularity in the developing world. People are engaging in more healthy eating habits and choosing to consume more nutritious fruits and vegetables. Both fruits and fruit juices have antioxidant activities that are great sources of vitamin C and carotenoids. It is essential for the average person to consume at least five portions of vegetables and fruits daily. These portions almost double in relation to woman who are pregnant and nursing their young (Gul and others 2011). Fruit smoothies donate considerably to healthy life through its contents of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemical compounds (Gul and others 2011).

The majority of the women who are pregnant consume their daily supplement orally in the form of a pill. Our prenatal smoothie aims to benefit mothers that struggle with consuming pills. The fruit smoothie will be a delicious fruit blend that is easy on the stomach, rich in calcium, and antioxidants. Another great benefit about our product is that Prenata Smoothies is a subscription-based product that is delivered directly to your front door. We’ve literally done the work for you by blending the fresh fruit components for you. Mommies can now order their prenatal smoothie at

As the creator of PreNata Smoothies I wanted to create a functional food product that has the essential nutrients for proper fetal growth.

A product that will help in reducing the risk of malnourishment by providing the daily B9 requirements along with brain boosting nutrients that can be easily consumed by the expecting mother. This product additionally aims to reduce the stresses of pill taking by providing the expecting mother with comfort while consuming their daily supplement in the form of a fresh fruit smoothie.

Because of PreNata’s nutritious benefits and great taste, pregnant and nursing mothers will thoroughly enjoy this product making it their daily prenatal supplement product. 

Best & Blessings, Kris Lewis


Join us on June 1st, 2019 from 12-2pm for our PSmoothies PopUp to celebrate the launch of our product! At the event you will be able to sample & purchase our new product, enjoy great eats, and hear more about the product.

Click here for tickets: PSmoothies PopUp










To inquire please email us at Instagram: @PreNataSmoothies

Bibbens-Domingo K. 2017. Folic Acid Supplementation for the Prevention For
Neural Defects US Preventive Task Force Recommendation Statement. Ameri Med Asso 183-188.
Gul M, Akpinar M, Dagistan E, Yilmaz H, Gulcan S. 2011. Analyzing Households’ Fruit Juice Consumption and Purchasing Tendency: A Case Study From Isparta.52-61
Marina L, Julia Blanco-Mun J, Borja-Aburto VH, Aguilar-Garduno C,
Rodrı ́guez-Barranco M, Sierra-Ramirez JA, Galaviz-Hernandez C, Gonzalez- Alzaga B, Garcia-Cavazos R. (2012). Effect on risk of anencephaly of gene– nutrient interactions between methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T
polymorphism and maternal folate, vitamin B12 and homocysteine profile. Pub Health Nutri 1419-1428.
Mersereau P. 2004. Spina Bifida and Anencephaly before and after Folic
acid Mandate-United States. Amer Med Asso, 292:3 325-326.