As doulas we can talk for days about how to care for someone in labor.

But we went through the list to pick our top  ways that a partner can care for the person they love the most!


Don’t Take Anything Personally

This is the day that we all let everything roll off our back.  We are doulas we are paid to not take anything personally ;).  Partners though, have to go back home and live with this person. (That may have just told them to shut up, and stop touching them.)  Anything goes during labor and the best thing for partners to do is laugh about it later.


When labor begins you are in charge of making sure the two of you get plenty of food, water and rest. It may be along time before you get to sleep again! Preparing or buying their favorite foods beforehand will take out the stress of trying to figure out food while laboring. Make teas and continue to be the reminder to eat small meals before you head to the hospital.


chichi pregnancy anxiety

Be Comforting

Put the phone down (unless timing contractions).  Be by their side. Synchronize your breathing with theirs when they get off track. Whisper word of encouragement. Look into their eyes, let them squeeze your hands! Run a bath or a shower and light some candles. Slowly pour water over their back or belly.  If they are tensing up or noticing pain in a certain area offer a massage.


Ok so, lucky you, technically that was more than 3 techniques.

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