Breastfeeding your baby is a personal decision that is never taken lightly. Just like many pieces of motherhood, breastfeeding is a relationship. It takes navigation and commitment for success.
One of the biggest obstacles many families experience is the bombardment of inaccurate information. This leads to unrealistic expectations and frustration, which can eventually result in giving up. Breastfeeding has its challenges, but it also has its joys! I promise you that it does not have to feel impossible. With the proper support and information, you can be successful in your breastfeeding journey.
After successfully breastfeeding my 3 daughters and supporting thousands of mothers through their breastfeeding journey, I have created my list of tips to find success in breastfeeding.
Tip 1: Remember, it's a relationship
Remind yourself that breastfeeding is a relationship and there will be many ups and downs. It will not always be easy and there will be learning curves. Some of these learning curves will be very steep and overwhelming. If you hold close to the idea that this is a relationship you will invest in the time and have the mindset to work through it.
Tip 2: Have supportive people around you
Surround yourself with supportive friends and family! Not everyone will be supportive of your decision to breastfeed. If you find yourself surrounded by negative friends and family members, you will start to internalize their options and perspectives as truth.
Connect with family, friends and professionals who believe in you and in the choices that you are making for yourself and your family. There are so many amazing people who will believe in you and be positive and encouraging. Do not let negativity have power.
Tip 3: Take a non-hospital-based class
Take a breastfeeding class outside of the hospital setting! Taking a comprehensive breastfeeding class will help you to feel prepared and will equip you with accurate information. Knowing what is normal with your newborn and with feeding will be a huge gamechanger.
Knowing how frequently your baby will need to eat, knowing your baby’s hunger cues, and knowing about the big picture will all help you to feel confident in your breastfeeding journey. Hospital-based breastfeeding classes are often about an hour long, whereas private breastfeeding classes tend to be about 3 hours long and offer more relatable information. I highly suggest our in-person or virtual Breastfeeding class through Birth & Baby University. You will receive great information, as well as a beautiful and helpful workbook.
Tip 4: Speak with a lactation consultant in pregnancy
Connect with a lactation consultant! Many families believe that they should wait until they are having a problem with breastfeeding before reaching out to a lactation consultant. Connecting with a lactation consultant in pregnancy is a great way to prevent issues from occurring with breastfeeding.
A lactation consultant will help you get off to the very best start and will create a plan that will work best for you and your family. Having an already established relationship with a lactation consultant will be so helpful when troubleshooting any possible problems. Also, most insurance companies cover lactation consultants. The Lactation Network will be a great place to find a lactation consultant in your area that accepts insurance.
Tip 5: Be gentle on yourself
Breastfeeding will be close to a full-time job and even with amazing support and accurate and positive information, there will still be challenges and moments of feeling overwhelmed. Breastfeeding, at times, may feel impossible, exhausting, defeating and consuming.
Be easy on yourself and be encouraging to yourself. There will be these hard moments, BUT there will also be moments of connection, love, appreciation and indescribable joy.

This post is written by Anna Rodney, owner and founder of Chicago Family Doulas and Birth & Baby University. She is a leader in the perinatal field and a trusted resource for expecting families and perinatal professionals.