diaper bag chicago

Packing a diaper bag can be a bit overwhelming. Have no fear, this list is a great place to start!

Diapers– one for every two hours you’ll be out, plus two extra, just in case

Wipes– have a package just for the diaper bag so they don’t get forgotten

Spare change of clothes– the day that you forget spare clothes will undoubtedly be the day that baby poops all over themselves

Water bottle- for breastfeeding moms or for making bottles

Diaper cream– whatever your favorite brand, get an extra just for the diaper bag

Changing pad– many changing stations in public bathrooms aren’t something you’d want your babies bare butt touching

Backup baby carrier– a light weight carrier like a hoop sling or Boba Air can be great if you had intended on using the stroller but your baby had other plans

Shirt for caregiver– until you are 100% that baby won’t spit up

Toys/pacifier– depending on the age of your baby, you’ll want something to help with boredom or distract baby

Snacks– for parents, especially if breastfeeding, and lots of snacks if baby is older and eating solids

Bottles– bring one even if you may not need it

Portioned formula– get the container that has separate sections

Sippy cups– for babies over six months old, I usually do only water in case it gets forgotten in the diaper bag or car

Lip balm, hair tie, extra cash – all just in case items that I’ve found helpful to have