
Holistic Practices for Pregnancy Relief

As someone educated in several holistic modalities, I find it incredibly important to share my knowledge with those who need it. During pregnancy I find that holistic practices are especially beneficial. Since many women are trying to find natural ways to provide...

Chicago Family Doula’s Top 6 Birth Books …. and one just for dad

There are so many books on pregnancy available.  It can be overwhelming to choose from. We have done all the hard work for you.  As a group, we have read at least 100 books on birth, so we polled all of our doulas and came up with this list just for you!   A Good...

Morning Sickness and all its Crazy Remedies

  Morning sickness rears its ugly head in so many different ways. Some people have nausea for an hour; some people have it at night, some people all day. It can last two weeks to 3 months to all of pregnancy. Just like birth it’s never the same for anyone. Since...

Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

It’s probably safe to say that most expectant mothers will feel some level of discomfort, or even pain, during pregnancy. Common areas of complaint during pregnancy are the lower back, hips, sacrum, and round ligaments.  Many might think that pain and discomfort are...