
TV Births Debunked..

“No one told me THAT was going to happen!!!”   You may here this all the time from women after labor, when your colleagues come back to work after maternity leave or when your cousin had her baby last month. Birth is the world of the unknown. We get short...

What you need to know about Placenta Encapsulation

Moms of all philosophies, cultures, orientations and socio-economic status are turning to the experts for Placenta Preparation, recognizing the benefits of ingesting their placenta.  Tradition and holistic medical customs embrace some potential advantages that derive...

Must Haves for Postpartum Recovery

If you just had a baby, there is a good chance your lady parts feel like deflated balloon. Here are a few ways to ease postpartum discomfort so you can enjoy those first few weeks with your little one and spend less time worrying about downstairs. Fridet the Momwasher...

Chicago Family Doula’s Top 6 Birth Books …. and one just for dad

There are so many books on pregnancy available.  It can be overwhelming to choose from. We have done all the hard work for you.  As a group, we have read at least 100 books on birth, so we polled all of our doulas and came up with this list just for you!   A Good...

Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

It’s probably safe to say that most expectant mothers will feel some level of discomfort, or even pain, during pregnancy. Common areas of complaint during pregnancy are the lower back, hips, sacrum, and round ligaments.  Many might think that pain and discomfort are...

“Labor Day” Series… A Home Birth

  In the Beginning… When I was around 34 weeks pregnant with our son Leo, my husband Rich and I watched The Business of Being Born, a documentary that gave us some very important questions to ask ourselves. Especially me. I knew I wanted to attempt an...