24/7 live in newborn care chicago

Hi! My name is Milena, and my husband and I created the Ready Rocker.  As with many products, the initial motivation stemmed from a personal pain point. Like many new parents, we were sleep-deprived, intimidated, and humbled while tackling our first-time parenting roles. The added challenges of a colicky baby kept us in constant comforting mode – I nursed and rocked my colicky son for hours on end while staring at the same four walls of our nursery. This led me to an impossible search for a portable rocking device that could provide me and my son more flexibility and freedom. To my surprise, the solution did not exist. So, I recruited my husband and our journey to develop a portable product began. Our daughter was born just in time to keep our personal need for a portable rocking solution highly relevant and top priority in our household.

24/7 live in newborn care
As we started developing our product, we were so surprised to discover the profound effects rocking has on the body for both baby and parents. We learned that rocking during pregnancy can improve neurodevelopment in the womb and reduce pain during labor. Rocking after birth can improve balance and blood circulation, while reducing postpartum muscle pains. Additionally, rocking can stimulate the infant’s vestibular system, contribute to growth, and help with respiratory regulation. Rocking has been a long-time remedy for infant irritability associated with colic/gas. It also encourages physical contact, strengthening the bond/attachment between a parent and child. Rocking can benefit both mothers and infants alike by increasing the release of endorphins in the brain, improving mood, and encouraging relaxation. Stress reduction can also promote better and longer breastmilk production.

And the most fascinating part is that the benefits don’t just stop at baby and mom. Rocking is a tool we can utilize at any stage of our lives to help us truly feel better. Whether it’s recovering from surgery, relieving pain, alleviating symptoms of anxiety and depression, promoting better circulation, and the list goes on proving that rocking truly is a miracle motion.

We know how special and rewarding motherhood is, but we also know it can get hard at moments! We hope our product can offer you some reprieve. Whether it’s feeding time, bedtime or cuddle time, a comfortable rocker makes it easier to soothe and bond with your baby. Go on and enjoy your life because we’ve got your back!

24/7 live in newborn care chicago

This blog post was written by Milena Djankovic, owner and founder of Ready Rocker.